A / D   for left and right
SPACE for jump
R to restart the level
ESC to go back to level select

Please don't press the quit button, I don't know what will happen on html5

You play as a dungeon master who needs to find his special pc killing dice, so he can roll the last death save for the group's cleric! You dive deep into your illusory dice bag to try to retrieve your golden D20. Will you make it out or will the Illithid illusion force you into becoming a thrall...

In all seriousness, this is a loose take on the GMTK game jam 2022  “Roll of the Dice” theme there just isn't any story in the game, so hopefully that little block of text up there will do. This is my first game project that is in a “finished” state and I started learning Godot like a week ago just for this, so some feedback is very welcome.

I made a few sprites, the player was based on the original animated dungeon master and I made a sprite for almost all the different dice and I only used like 3, so I zipped them for anyone to download and use. I don't care what you do with them as long as it's not something stupid like an NFT.


gamea jamma.zip 35 MB
sprites.zip 64 kB

Development log


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For having only learned Godot like one week ago, and this being your first completed game, this is really impressive, Good Job! Even if we don't take that into account, for a 48 hour game jam, this was a pretty good game!

If I had to give you a little bit of constructive criticism it would be that for a player that fast, I would have made the camera a little bit bigger so you can see where you are going a little better.

-- Also, keep in mind that any game you make is a lot more difficult to play than you think it is, that comes with you as the developer knowing exactly what to do, and how exactly to do it. A good rule of thumb is to make a game easier than you think it needs to be.

Overall, I'm glad I got to play this game, thanks for participating, I think its a good entry!

I appreciate the honesty! I ended up making the view bigger and making the jump feel much better about an hour after the submissions closed, so I cannot post the update, unfortunately. But that comes with the territory!